Our 2024 Impact: A Year of Social and Environmental Connections and Innovation


At ReciVeci we do a lot of things around inclusive recycling and the circular economy. This year 2024 was no exception, and we are happy with the projects and figures materialized during this year, always with the support of companies and basic waste pickers who trust in our work.

To read the full report, go here: Our 2024 Impact

ReciPlus: Innovation adapted to the needs of companies

This year, we designed and implemented two fundamental projects for the recovery of recyclables.

In Always Recycle, a program launched together with My Commissioner, we recovered 6,750 kg of recyclable material, benefiting 42 basic recyclers from 4 associations.

With McDonald's, we are working on the recovery of polyboard cups, also with the support of the company Essity and managing to recover 9,900 kg of recyclable material and benefiting 12 basic recyclers from an association.

In both projects, as in everything we do, 100% of the recovered material was delivered directly and at no cost to basic recyclers, who received compensation for their work, ensuring that every part of the process is fair and beneficial to all.

ReciCorp: design and implementation of collection systems for companies, institutions or establishments.

This year, 12 companies received our service to design and implement systems for the collection of recyclable material with basic recyclers.

ReciEduca: training on inclusive recycling

This year we also have ReciEduCa to Peru, where, together with Ferrer Farma Peru in Lima, we offered training on inclusive recycling. We are proud to see how grassroots recyclers also participated as trainers, sharing their knowledge and experience with others.

Our 2024 environmental impact in numbers:

Thanks to our joint effort, we managed to recover more than 1,050 tons of recyclable material during the year, which has resulted in the reduction of 592 tons of CO2 equivalent emissions. This has helped to avoid the extraction of 93 barrels of crude oil, 24 tons of wood and 965 tons of minerals. This figure includes the achievements of the Glass Hub, which celebrated its first anniversary with the recovery of more than 1,000 tons of glass.

Our 2024 social impact in numbers:

On the social level, 81 basic waste pickers received income from their direct participation in projects with us. In addition, through ReciApp, we make almost 5,000 direct deliveries of recyclable materials. We also organized the second edition of ReciMañana Fun in commemoration of World Waste Pickers Day, an event that brought together more than 200 waste pickers and their families.

In the same way, we carry out 24 workshops for more than 150 recyclers, providing them with personal protective equipment, all thanks to the support of the IOM.

Our social impact on 2024 events in numbers:

We celebrate the second edition of the ReciMañana Fun for World Waste Picker Day, with the participation of more than 200 basic waste pickers and their families, including more than 100 boys and girls, thanks to alliances with six companies. In addition, 24 workshops were held for more than 150 basic recyclers, providing them with personal protective equipment with the support of IOM. A Christmas party was also organized for basic waste pickers and their families, with the support of Latitude R.

Consultancy, research and studies:

This year, we also took the lead in several highly important consultancies, such as the study on the recyclability of packaging together with Empaqplast and DANEC, and the development of the National Plan for the Reduction of Plastic Waste in Ecuador, in collaboration with Mingas por el Mar, WWF, MAATE and UNEP.

Towards a 2025 Centered on the Right Ton

Looking to the future, in 2025 we will continue to focus on Just Ton, a concept that seeks to ensure that basic recyclers receive recyclable materials in a dignified and direct manner. With the support of Latitude R, we will work to continue promoting this idea and improving the conditions of all the actors involved in recycling.

Thank you for reading! And to every company, grassroots recycler and more people behind these numbers. For a more inclusive 2025 with recycling and the circular economy.

Read the full report here: Our 2024 Impact

Read the full report in English here:

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